A Hard- Lcuk Story.

A Hard- Lcuk Story.

TOLD ’em that a great big boy was never meant to stay
A-hangin’ ’round a baby cart in Franklin Park all day;
I told ’em that I had to watch the fellers playin’ ball,
An’ now I’ll bet they wisht that I had done it, after all,
For ma’s been cryin’ all night long as if she’d break her heart
Because I traded baby off for this here coastin’ cart.

YOU see, a kid had had the cart YOU about a month or two,
An’ so was sort a-hankerin’ to play with somethin’ new,
An’ when he see me comin’ ‘long he talks to me a while,
An’ asks me what’s the baby’s name, an’ how you made him smile.
An’ sayl I bragged that baby up an’ told what he could do,
An’ pretty soon

WELL, that’s right where seen my chance, so I praised up our kid,
An’ told him all about his ways, an’ all the things he did,
An’ said that when he brought him home ‘twould do him good to see
How glad he’d make his mother an’ how pleased his pa would be.
An’ when I’d talked like that a while he wanted him so bad
He bought him with his coastin’ cart, ’cause that was all he had.

THOUGHT it was a real smart trade, because there’s kids to spare
A-kickin’ ’round our little flat an’ un- der every chair;
But when I told my ma she screamed, an’ pa he cussed, an’ then
He went to get the cops to help get baby back again.
I don’t see what they want him for; he always brought bad luck,
An’ that there kid that’s got him now will find out that he’s stuck. e said he guessed he’d like to have one, too.

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