Night in Bachelor’s Hall
Night in Bachelor’s Hall
They’ve gone away! It seems a year,
Aye! weeks of years. since they were here:
And yet it was but yesterday
I kissed them when they went away,
Away from all the scorching heat
That grips this brick-walled city street.
And it was I who made them go,
Though she, dear heart, protested so,
And vowed I’d find no joy at all,
Nor any peace, in bachelor’s hall.
I laughed at that, but she was right;
I never knew a sadder night
Than this, while thus I tread, alone.
These allent halls I call my own.
I never thought this place could change
So utterly and seem so strange.
The night is hot, and yet a chill
Pervades the house; it is so stili.
I miss the living atmosphere
That comforts me when they are here:
I miss the sigh, long drawn and deep.
The music of refreshing sleep.
That undulates the gentle breast
Of weary motherhood at rest.
And in the unaccustomed gloom
That shrouds the smal! adjoining room
I miss the moans, the muffled screams
Of childhood troubled in its dreams.
And is this all? Nay, more I miss
The strong. heart-thrilling joy, the bliss
Of warding, with protecting arm,
Between these precious hearts and harın.
Oh, sing your song, all who roam,
Your wistful song of ”Home Sweet Home.”
But, though unhappy is your lot,
You will not find a spot
In all the world than home when they
Who make it home have gone away.
—-T.A. Daly in Catholic Standard
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