Castle Yesterday

Castle Yesterday.

In the Valley of Contentment, just be
yond the Hills of old.
Where the streams are always aliver and
The runshine siwave gold.
Where the hour is ever morning and the
akien are never gray,
In the yellow hage of springtime standa the
Castle Yesterday.

Oh, the seasons that we spent there
when the whole wide world wes
The friends we’ve had as maid and lad.
the songs that we have sung
The echoes of their music cannot quite
have died away,
But still muat thrill the rooftree of the
Castle Yesterday.

And the loving hearts we knew there in
the time of trust and truth,
Surely Burely still still they wait behind us in the
Pantheon of youth!
But the angel of the valley at the portal
bars our way.
And a flaming sword forbids us from the
Castic Yesterday.

When the pilgrimage is ended, may we then m
turn then, may we change
To the vanished and familiar from the
present and the strange?
Who so chooses to his heaven-I shall be
content to stay
Where the ghosts of dead years wander
through the halls of Yesterday.
-Saturday Evening Coat.

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