Battling for the Lord.

Battling for the Lord.

We’ve listed in a holy war, battling for the Lords
Eternal life, eternal joy, battling for the Lord,

We’ll work till Jesus comes,
We’ll work till Jesus comes,
And then we’ll rest at home.

I’nder our captain, Jesus Christ, battling for the Lord.
We’ve ‘listed for this mortal life, battling for the Lord.

We’ll work till Jesus comes, etc.
We’l fight against the powers of sin, battling for The Lord.
In favor of our heavenly king, battling for the Lord.

We’ll work till Jesus comes. etc.
And when this warfare here is o’er, battling for the Lord.
Then strife strife will will cease and war no more, battling fon the Lord.

We’ll work till Jesus comes, etc.
Our friends and kindred there meet, on that. heavenly shore.
And ground our arms at Jesus’ feet, on that heavenly shore..

We’ll work till Jesus comes, etc.

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