Aerial Navigation.

Aerial Navigation.

All hall the day when all mankind,
In every tribe and nation,
Shall meet the progrees of the age,
By aerial navigation;
When over valleys, hills, and plains
Huge chariots shall ride
In majesty and safety, too,
Upon acollan tidel

The song of joy and niirth wiil then
Be wafted on the breeze,
And the voice of flying multitudes
Will sound above the troes:
The music of the drum and fife,
The fiddle and the horn,
Will plainly sound above the clouds,
To greet the coming morn!

The raliroads wil be out of date.
The railroad cara destroyed;
The voyages above the clouds.
Much more shall be enjoyed,
Great charlots of mighty size
Will carry loads of grain,
Of lumber, stone, of coal, and wood,
Throughout our broad domain!

My faith looks forward to that day-
Its coming draweth night
A few years more and we may see
Processions in the sky!
And then at night, among the stara-
O! how serenely grand
Wiil be the Hghts of chariots,
As they glide above the land!

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