At a Western Window

At a Western Window.

I gaze from the western window
Athwart the narrowing day,
Where the sunshine and the shadows
In parting glory play,
To violet Isles enchanted
That smile at the open door
As the argosies of evening –
Sail through a pairer shore.

The day is long behind me,
The night is coming on;
But I hear a robin singing
The song he sang at dawn;
Now one is the morn with evening,
And one are the earth and sky.
The Llossoms in the meadow
With Ustars that breathe on high.

And youth is young forever,
And love is neve. old.
Though inus of ate are breaking
Back to the primal mold.
So here, from thy western window
I gaze, ai the stars incene,
And the mortel and
Are one in this blessed
-Een S. Parker.

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