Good Feeling.

Good Feeling.

What a relief it is to meet the fel-
low with a smile and hearty hand-
shake when you get a touch of the
blues, and you feel as well, as
though it isn’t any use. Perhaps you
don’t get up against it that way,
reader, but there are those who do.
As one has well said:

“Sometimes I get to thinking, and my heart it goes to sinking.
And all the world seems filled with graft and guile:
E’en my friends seem cold and dreary and their faces plain and bleary-
And I wonder what there is in life worth while.
As I walk out on the street, I see all bitter and no sweet,
Although my gloomy feelings I revile, But ’tis then a little thing will con- tentment to me bring-
Just a pleasant word that’s spoken with a smile.”
-The Rounder.

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