The Coral Inseel.

The Coral Inseel.

Toll on! Toll out Yo ephemeral train,
Wh ouild in the tossing and treacherous main;
Toll en! For the wisdom of man ye mock.
With your sand based structures and domes of rock;
Your estumes the fathomless fountains live
And your arches spring up to the crested wave.
Yere & funny race, thus to boldly rear
A fabric no vast. In a realm no drear.

Ye bind the deep with your secret Bone,
The ocean is kerted, and the surко a stone:
Fresh wreathen from the coral pavement spring.
Like the terraced pride of Assyria’s King
The turt looks green where the breakora rotted; der the whirlpool ripens the ring of gold.
The sea snatched lale is the home of men
And mountains exuit where the wave hath been.

But why do yo plant ‘neath the billow dark
The wrecking reef for the wallant bark?
There are anares enough on the tented field.
Mid the blossoming sweets that the valleys yield:
There are serpents to coti, ere the flowers are up:
There’s a polson drop in man’s pureale
There are foes that watch for his cradle breath.
And why need ye now the floods with death?

With woldering bones the deeps are white,
From the sea elad pole to the truples bright
The mermaid hath twisted her fingers cold
With the mesh of the sea boy’s curls of gold.
And the gods of the ocean have frowned to see
The mariner’s bed in their halla of glee.
Hath earth no graves that ye thus must spread
The boundless sea with the thronging dead?

Yo build, ye build, but se enter not in.
Like the tribes of the desert, devoured in their ain:
From the land of promise ye fade and die
Ere its verdure gleams forth on your weary eye:
As the kings of the cloud crowned pyramid
Their notelesa bones in oblivion hiil.
Ye slumber unmarked ‘mll the desolate main.
While the wonder and pride of your works remain.

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