
The daughter that prettied so sweet on his knes,
Ere he followed the tempter, on where now is she?

Does her eye brighten now when she llats to his tread?
She flees from his presence with terror and dread!

The boy once as proud to be called by his name
Now growing to manhood but owns it with shame.

Flia lone wllowed mother her lost son would save.
But whilst vainly pleading she sinks to the grave.

His wife now entrests him with sorrow and tears
By his seat loving kindness to quiet her fears.

By returning to duty to gladden his home.
And let the foul glass that so maddens alone:

But he jests at her pleadings, he’s no heart to feat.
For the fire that’s within him has turned him to ateel.

And though moving and breathing he’s senseless and deat.
And each kind tender feeling is dormant or fled.

Not so was it always: once bright was his eye.
And in it you read of an intellect high.

Of a soul formed for kindness, a heart to do good.
And he high in esteem of his fellow men stood.

But wadly it’s chanseed pow to what it was then.
Now he’s shonael and abandoned by all honest men.

Can ye view this and picture and not lend a hand
To abolish intemperance from our favored land

Shail we not sign the heaven sent abstinence pledge?
It will be to our virtue a wall and a hedge.

Our homes will be haunter, our children will then
Grow up sober and virtuous women and men.

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