A Dramatic Lyric.

A Dramatic Lyric.

SOMETIMES happens that the editors of
IT a magazine receive contributions that they
enjoy tremendously, but for one reason or
another they cannot exactly use in the de-
partment for which the matter was submit- ted.
Out in Barton, Oregon, there lives a bright boy of ten who sent a dramatic poem to Aunt Janet.
Now just because Aurt Janet couldn’t see her way clear to use it in her department is no reason that it should be shrouded in oblivion, so here is the poem. It is called “The Rescue.”

The frost was white upon the ground,
The birds were in the trees;
We slept within the cottage
In most contented ease.

When all at once the chickens
In the coop began to squawk.
We got up in a hurry
And found it was a hawk.

And Father got his rifle,
And Brother got his knife:
And they rushed into the barnyard
And saved the chicken’s life!

There’s truth, originality, terseness and a ood strong climax in that poem, and we ead weaker verse by older hands in this ffice every day.

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