German Hunter Song.

German Hunter Song.

In forest and on heather
I take my daily pleasure,
I am a hunter bold, I am a hunter bold.
To roam the woods unflagging.
The wild game freely bagging,
Oh, that’s a joy untold, oh, that’s a joy untold,

Hall, hallo! Halll, hallo!
I am a hunter bold, haililo!
Halll, hallol Halli, hallo!
I am a hunter bold.

The eagle swiftly flying.
The snipe in zigzag hying.
At my aim surely fall, at my alm surely fall.
The deer with towering antier,
The wolf and screaming panther
Drop at my rifle call, drop at my rifle call.

At noon upon the mountain,
I seek a shady fountain.
And at my meal recline, and it my meal recline.
Of hunger I’m the winner.
So I take a royal dinner
Without a drop of wine, without a drop of wine.

So pass the hours brightly.
So speed my footsteps lightly
Till sets the evening sun, tilt sets the evening sun.
Thun homeward fondly turning.
I meet hearts for me yearning
A happy, thankful man, a happy, thankful man.

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