A Young Champion.
A Young Champion.
Coudn’t read
There was a young attorney, whose name was Gustave Reimer,
Who was-champion coupler and a lightning fadder climber.
He stirred the emulation of the boys to such a pitch,
They swore they’d win the tourna- ment, or die in the list ditch.
Tow, row, row! Waen’t he a dandy? Don’t you think so now?
“Clear Lake, where’s that” the peo- ple cried, aloud in strident tones:
“We’ve come to show you” quoth the chief his name was Daniel Jones.
And stripping for the fray, these boys, did not a single thing,
But scoop the whole caboodle that was entered in the ring. Tow, row, row!
Wasn’t they holy terors? Don’t you think so now?
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