
The years have sped since irst I led
You to the table, le, deat
And you sat over there alone
And I sat smiling here.
A year or two flew past, and you
No longer sat alone,
A little one was in your arms,
Your darling and my own.

And then another year or so,
And someone else was there:
And Willie sat near me, you know,
While Trottle claimed your care.

The years have aped since first I led
You to the table, dear,
And you looked queenly at the foot
And I felt kingly here.

Today as I look down at you,
On either alde I see row of hungry little ones
All gazing up at me.

We’ve added leaves, one after one,
And you are far away-
Aye, thrice an far, my dear as on
That happy, happy day.

But though we ait so far apart-
You there and I up here-
Two rows of hearts from my fond heart
Stretch down to you, my dear.

Thank God for every extra leaf
The table holds today.
And pay we never know the grief
Of putting one away.

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