Barney McCoy.

Barney McCoy..

I am going far away. Norah darling.
And leaving such an angel far behind:
It will break my heart in two, which I fondly gave to you
And no other one so loving, kind, and true.

Then come to my arms, North darling.
Bid your friends In dear eld Ireland good by:
And it’s happy we will be in that dear land of the Tree
Laving happy with your Barney McCoy.

I would with you. Barney darling.
But the reason why I told you oft before:
It would break my mother’s heart if from her I had to part.
And go roaming with you. Barney MeCoy.

I am going far away. Norah darling.
Just as sure as there’s a God that I adore:
But remember what I say, that until the judgment day
You will never see your darling any more.

I would go with you, Barney darling.
If iny incther and the rest of them were there..
For I know we would be blest in that dear land of the Wert.
Living happy with you, Barney McCoy.

I am goinz far away, Norah darling.
And the ship is now at anchor in the bay,
And before tomorrow’s sun you will hear the sig nalgun
So be ready-It will carry us away.

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