Misrepresetative Women

Misrepresetative Women. 90.7 Harry Graham in two previous books has provided much sport for those fond of humorous verse. His new book, "Misrepresentative Women," is equally entertaining and it is well illustrated by Dan Sayre Groesbeck.…

The Girl Who Used to Be.

The Girl Who Used to Be. 121.2 Here's an end to loving; here we part," you say; "Life, the cruel master, has to have his way. We have had our pleasant vision, you and I- Now the daylight calls me: I must say good-by." Glib your tongue to frame…

Father William

Father William By Lewis Carroll 891 You are old Father William, the young man wald And your half has become very whites And yet you incremantly stand on your head Do you think, at your age, it is right?" "In my youth," Father William reptied…

A Defense Of Father

A Defense of Father 6411 Nobody knows the money it takes To keep the home together; Nobody knows of the debt it makes, Nobody knows-but father Nobody's told that the boys need shoes And girls hats with a feather: Nobody else old clothes…

The Skaters

The Skaters Grant Cook. 2332 The rising moon, Dispels the gloom, And throws her beams on frozen lake, afar: A pathway, bright With mellow light, Where skaters skim across the amber bar. With swinging stride And graceful glide, The skaters…

Fuller and Warren.

Fuller and Warren. 127.4 Te sons of Columbia, your attention I crave While & sorrowful altty I tell Which happened of late in old Initiana state Of a hero whom fow could excel Ilks Ramson, be courted the foy of his life. And intended to…

A Child’s Prayer

A Child's Prayer 1222 Father, while I pray to Thee, May Thy love descend on me; I am but a little child, Make me strong and pure and mild; Pardon every wrong I do, Help me love the good and true; From Thee comes my dally food, Loving…

A Very Conservative Man

A Very Conservative Man 1156 He doesn't believe half the stories he hears- He's a very conservative man The papers, he says, spread unwarranted fears- He's a very conservative map The troubles we hear of he mlidly de clares, Most often are…
Ballad of Our Cookstimelesspoem.com

Ballad of Our Cooks

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