The Major Breaks Into Rhyme

The Major Breaks Into Rhyme. 10.1 Not less stentorian than the angry surf that beats the shore of, Monterey Bay is the lyric defy urled by Major McLaughlin, of Santa Cruz and San Francisco, at Wallace Irwin of New York. Though of world-wide…

San Francisco

San Franciso. 39.4 She laughed upon her hills out there Beside her bays of misty blue; The gayest hearts, the sweetest air That any city ever knew. For I have whistled all the songs That thrilled upon her care-free breath, And I have…

A Toast

A Toast. 6.2 I would drink a toast "New Frisco," Our beautiful city of godl; The, health to her pretty maidens, And health to her gallants bold. Here's health to her patient mothers, To her fathers old and gray; Here's a quaff to our dear…


Resurgam! 39.3 From ash and desolation I will arise Imperial, triumphant-on my lips The hill's song and the sea's song, and the mist Of an eternal pity in my eyes. From ash and desolation I will arise And o'er my head the singing stars…

The Hirschman Clock

The Hirschman Clock. 6.4 April eighteenth at five o'clock The Hirschman clock was ticking: It watched the Kearny-Market block And kept the minutes clicking. Alas! when thirteen told that clook There came a mighty earthquake shock. Oh! woe to…

Please Come And Play In The My Yard

Please Come and Play in the My Yard 89-4 Two little girls, with two little curia, were living side by side: Ons little mald, cach morning played, in a yard so grand and wide But in the next house, na poor as a mouse, s chlid gazed longitiyly "Till…

A Rude Awakening

A Rude Awakening. 50.7 They were talking of ages- A giddy, old beau, And a pretty, young maiden Of eighteen or so. "I am scarcely too ancient For you, dear, am I?" He whispered her softly Through a plaintive sigh. "Ah, the years are…

Phoenix Redivivus

Phoenix Redivivus. By Theodor H. Hittell 50.4 A light gleams o'er the Golden Gate; A pall of of smoke o'erspreads the sky; The burning city meets its fate; In smouldering heaps its ruins lie. The morning comes; another light. Far brighter…