
Resurgam! 39.3 From ash and desolation I will arise Imperial, triumphant-on my lips The hill's song and the sea's song, and the mist Of an eternal pity in my eyes. From ash and desolation I will arise And o'er my head the singing stars…

The Hirschman Clock

The Hirschman Clock. 6.4 April eighteenth at five o'clock The Hirschman clock was ticking: It watched the Kearny-Market block And kept the minutes clicking. Alas! when thirteen told that clook There came a mighty earthquake shock. Oh! woe to…

A Rude Awakening

A Rude Awakening. 50.7 They were talking of ages- A giddy, old beau, And a pretty, young maiden Of eighteen or so. "I am scarcely too ancient For you, dear, am I?" He whispered her softly Through a plaintive sigh. "Ah, the years are…

Phoenix Redivivus

Phoenix Redivivus. By Theodor H. Hittell 50.4 A light gleams o'er the Golden Gate; A pall of of smoke o'erspreads the sky; The burning city meets its fate; In smouldering heaps its ruins lie. The morning comes; another light. Far brighter…