The Hirschman Clock
San FranciscoThe Hirschman Clock
April eighteenth at five o'clock
The Hirschman clock was ticking:
It watched the Kearny-Market block
And kept the minutes clicking
Alas! when thirteen told that clook
There came a mighty earthquake shock
Oh! woe to thee,…
To San Francisco
San FranciscoTo San Francisco
O guardian of the nation's western gate!
Keeping your lookout on our destinies,
Where lles the mystic Orlent over seas,
The world beholds you torn and desolate;
O'erthrown as if through Nature's deadly hate,
San FranciscoResurgas
To the living soul in the city of San Fran clean,
Thou shalt rias-our City of the Sun!
For, ever in a nory death like thine,
Ere Bearce the flamos be fled,
A recreation in bogun:
Even as in Arabia the Divine,
A plunued and centuried…
The Stricken City
San FranciscoThe Stricken City
They will build it great, they will build It strong
Its streets the children of men will throng:
It will be superb with its lofty domes
And its marble halls and its stately homes,
But never…
A Familu Club Lyric
San FranciscoA Family Club Lyric
At a Family club jinks last
week Larry Harris made his bow
as a lyric writer Nothing preten
tious did Larry serve up for the
edification of his club pals, but in
his jingles he gave expression to
a sentiment that…
The City To Be
San FranciscoThe City To Be
Whaeeler Wilcox
OH, ho! for the city, that is to be,
By the great, broad banks of the western sea
It shall spring from ashes, and tears, and blood-
The city of beauty and brotherhood
A delicate marvel of modern birth,…
San Francisco’s Promise
San FranciscoSan Francisco's Promise
Thy Past rolled up in smoke and cloud
And darkness of catastrophe:
Thy Future rises, strong and proud,
Through ashes of thine agony;
Still foams the brine upon thy breast
Where great ships gather to their rest,…
The Watchword
San FranciscoThe Watchword
John Kendrick Bangs
Give of your mass of gold,
Send to the prostrate West
Some of that wealth untold
Digged from her virgin breast
Give of your meager store,
Send from your cupboard bare
Out to the…
The Aweful Bonanza
San FranciscoThe Awful Bonanza
The Friendly Club, which
hasn't missed a meeting since the
fire, held its monthly dinner in
Washington street restaurant on
the day the saloons opened-a
saloon, by the way, being part of
the restaurant "We are here,
San Francisco
San FranciscoSan Franciso
She laughed upon her hills out there
Beside her bays of misty blue;
The gayest hearts, the sweetest air
That any city ever knew
For I have whistled all the songs
That thrilled upon her care-free breath,
And I have mingled…
Our City Beautiful
San FranciscoOur City Beautiful
Een tho' our hearts be steeped in tears
And, bent our souls by miery:
Een tho we look where once we loved-
That loved, now ashes at our feet,
Stifle, they cry-who dares to weep?
Raise up thine head and worship Goal!…
A Toast
San FranciscoA Toast
I would drink a toast "New Frisco,"
Our beautiful city of godl;
The, health to her pretty maidens,
And health to her gallants bold
Here's health to her patient mothers,
To her fathers old and gray;
Here's a quaff to our dear old…
Beside The Golden Gate
San FranciscoBeside the Golden Gate
Author: Robert McIntyre
That fateful day the sea did take
His silver trumpet up to wake
The Mistress of the Keys,
His beauteous bride
who sleeping lay
Beside the door that guards the bay
The Lure Of The Thirst
San FranciscoTHE Lure OF The Thirst
I've lost my duds, my home and job,
My coin is burid deep;
And jewels all with watch and fob
Beneath the ashes sleep
My beauty, too, has taken flight,
Complexion's sadly marred;
A ton of brick from topmost height…
San FranciscoResurgam!
From ash and desolation
I will arise Imperial, triumphant-on my lips
The hill's song and the sea's song, and the mist
Of an eternal pity in my eyes
From ash and desolation I will arise
And o'er my head the singing stars shall…
The Earthquake
San FranciscoThe Earthquake
(Herry M Hyde)
MAN scratches little runways in the dirt,
And raises tiny mounds of stone and steel,
To tease the microscopes of curious gods
Sends feeble ships to tempt the awful deep,
Plucks one red feather from the…
Good-Bye To Chinatown
San FranciscoGood-Bye Chinatown
Oh! where are the smells of Chinatown
That punctured the sait sea air,
And the steep lod street and the sandal'd Dot's Feet!
And the Nolpe? fend in his lair?
Oh! where are the lanterns that swung anout,
With their dragons…
San Francisco
San FranciscoSan Francisco
Earth trmbled like a wounded bird on wing;
Dark, hushed and still was everything,
Save those in horror of that hour, who heard again,
Earth laboring in her stress of pain,
Proud structures with granite walls and tower,
Our Stricken City
San FranciscoOur Stricken City
You are now among the fallen, our "City of the West,"
You held your head so proudly, you were among the best;
And how we dearly loved you as you overlooked the bay!
You were so strong and beautiful, and what are you…
Dr Jorden
San FranciscoDr Jordan
When Dr Jordan left the realm
Of sciences called physical,
And took of prophecy the helm,
The public soon grew quizzical,
And wondered much to hear him talk
And see him make an earthquake walk
He knows just where the temblor…