
Dead. 370.7 When I am dead if men can say He helped the world upon its way, With all his faults of word and deed Mankind did have some little need Of what he gave, then in my grave No greater honor shall I crave. If they can say if they…


VANITY. VANITY. 422.11 Fiirtilla had a brand-new purse, The latest thing-it cost a plie. Flirtilla's broke: this maid perserse She blew herself to be in style. Flirtilia wears it every minute, This gorgeous purse-with nothing in it! …


A GENTLEMAN 581-10 I knew him for a gentleman By signs that never fail; His coat was rough and rather worn, His cheeks were thin and pale A lad who had his way to make, With little time to play, I knew him for a gentleman By certain signs today. He…


CHRISTMAS NIGHT. 543.3 At last Thou art come, little Savior. And Thine angels fill midnight with song: Thou art come to us, gentle Creator! Whom Thy creatures have sighed for so long.

An Even Break.

An Even Break. 409.12 The farmer sows his crops, His wife sews his clothes, The farmer darns the winds. And the good wife darus his hose, The farmer pitches in the hay, But should he cross her whim. The good wife lays aside her work And…

Too Late.

Too Late. 330.3 And so you have comeback to me. Since time at last has set you free. And offered me again the heart Whose earthly hope was found in thee. And so you come to me once more, And say the old love's growing, yet You've tried…


Bloodhound. 369.3 Once, as a schoolboy, I was wont to dream Of ox eyed girls that Homer found so fair; Alas, in these dull days I wake to find The ox-eyed girls all have peroxide hair!

Will Be him.

Will Be him. 550.4 When Uncle Jack into the back Of Finance sticks a knife, The dear old cuss is teaching us To lead the Higher Life. For every time he does a crime That makes his conscience smart, Then Uncle Jack trots out the sack And…

Two Women.

Two Women. 409.10 One sanctifed her homely household labor With patient kindness and with tender Love this seal upon her faithful Aervice Sweet peace and joy ilmum'ed her placid face Her presence seemed to those for whom she wrought With…

Blab Ballads .

Blab Ballads. Nixon Waterman 262.1 Emersonian Extravagance "Hitch your wagon to a star!" Sounds very fine, of course, But it would prove more prudent, far, To own a first-class motor-car, Or even a…

Down by a Shady Brook.

Down by a Shady Brook. 399.3 Down by a shady brook, By a swift running stream Sat a maid and her lover, Both happy as a dream; All nature seemed to rest As the birds sang their lay, He told her he loved her. Culled her his queen of May.…


FLOWERS. 394.7 Of all the grace that nature flings So lavish on this world of ours, Her fairest and her favorite things, What can compare with flowers? They come all-honored and all-blest- They come with looks of pleasant cheer, Waking…

Baby Dort

Baby Dort. 255.8 Only a baby ameil. Trouped from the skies: Only & laughing face. Two sunny es Only two cherry lips. One chubby nowe Only two little hands. Ten little tock. Only a tender flower. Bent us to reaг; Only a light to love,…


The silvery moon looks down, looks down From her balcony in the skies On n somber wood of russet and brown With wide and wondering eyes. And she looks in valu on will and plain For the grave where summer les, For the dalsy is dead and…


THE MASTER SINGER. 485.4 Things loved once overmuch he made us hate, He turned our veriest weed into a rose, Taught us to weep at laughter, laugh at fate Touched us to love or sorrow as he chose. And waywardly, at his imperious whim, The…

Ballad of Aladdin’s Lamp.

Ballad of Aladdin's Lamp. 505.2 Aladdin was a lucky man, The genii wrought, at his behest, According to this simple plan: He rubbed the lamp, they did the rest. But you should be as greatly blessed - Your magic lamp, unrubbéd still, Lies…


THE CHAMBERED NAUTILUS. 479.6 This is the ship of pearl, which, poets feign, Salls the unshadowed main- The venturous bark that flinge On the sweet summer wind its purpled wings In gulfs enchanted, where the siren sings, And coral reefs…


Friday. 383.4 The flowers live by the tears that fall From the end face of the skies, And life would have no foys at all Were there no watery eyes. Love thon thy sorrow: grief shall bring Its own excuse in after years; The rainbow! see…


JUST FOR A CHANGE. 458.6 I'm sort of tired of things that is: They're lackin, somewhat as to fiz. There ain't no ginger in life's jar With things a-goin' as they are. The fauit may be with me, and then, It may be otherwise again. I ain't…

Blue Hall.

Blue Hall. 399.4 Blue Bell, the dawn is waking. Sweetheart, you must not sigh Blue Bell, my heart is breaking. I've come to say good-by. Hear how the bugle's calling. Calling to each brave heart Sweetheart, your tears are falling.…