NOBODY TO BLAME BUT YOURSELF. 463.2 You married a maiden you thought to be rich, And found that she hadn't a dime, And, yoked to a flighty extravagant shrew, You bewail your sad lot all the time You dream of a girl who was pure as a pearl, And…


CUBA. JAMES BARRON HOPE 272.1 O'er thy purple hills, O Cuba! Through thy valleys of romance, All thy glorious dreams of freedom Are but dreamt as in a trance. Mountain pass and fruitful valley- Mural town and spreading plain Show the…

Christmas Greeting.

Christmas Greeting. 554.3 Christmas bells are ringing: Angel volces singing. "Peace on earth, good will to man." Christmas praises sounding: Christmas joys abounding: Take and give what joy you can! Giving or receiving. Christmas gifts…

My Hiding Place

My Hiding Place. 89-2 (The following poem was written by Major An- dre a few days before his execution.) Hall, sovereign love, which first began The scheme to rescue failen men; Hall, matchless free eternal grace, Which gave my soul a hiding…

Shells of Ocean.

Shells of Ocean. 256.6 One summer eve, with pensive thoughts, I wandered on the sea-best shore, Where oft in heedless infant sport I gathered shells in days before. The splashing waves like music fell Responsive to my fancy wild: A dream…

Puts and Calls

Puts and Calls. 266.3 Natural History Ah, here's a simple truth you may Rely upon, my friend: A mule's headquarters, as they say, Are not his "business" end. …

To Thine Own Self Be True.

To Thine Own Self Be True. Pakenham Beatty. 378.2 Pakenham Beatty was born in 1855. He has written several volumes-"To My Lady." 1878: "Three Women of the People. 1881. and "Marcia. a Tragedy." 1884. By thine own soul's law learn to live. And…

Pore Old Dad.

Pore Old Dad. 240.3 Te kin sos'ce pick up a paper An' Its "post's cerner" greet. "Capt ye'll see er pirty poem bout the mother, aintly, sweet: But yo'll have a time, a-saу- Eyes will be er-achin' bad hire ye'll evertake er poem At this…

A Jingle of Fall Shopping.

A Jingle of Fall Shopping. L. Ron Hubbard 294.5 Young Mr. Hubbard, he went, and he rubbered To get his dear wifey a hat. He saw a new bonnet, sald, "Let's decide on it." Said she, "Why. no one's that!" wearing They looked at, he reckoned,…

“Boys, Keep Up the Fire”.

"Boys, Keep Up the Fire". 473.9 When old Winter was doin' his level best- Winds howlin' higher an' higher, The old man would say, In his old-fashioned way - - "Boys, keep up the fire!" An' we stored up that lesson fer many a day : When…


THE BIRD'S NEST. 531.3 A little bird built a warm nest in a tree, And laid some blue eggs in it-one, two, three; And then very glad and delighted was she- : Very glad and delighted was she. And after a time, but how long I can't tell, The…


HER ROUNDELAY. 442.2 It won't be long Till hens will lay Fresh eggs again, And every day: And cackle loud, And cacklo long. In an exultant Glory song: A large fresh egg. And one a day: This is the old hen's Round-o'-lay. …


THE FERNS. 518.3 "Oh, what shall we do The long winter through?" The babyferns cried When the mother-fern died. The winds whistled bleak, And the woodland was drear, And on each baby-cheek There glistened a tear. Then down from a cloud, Like…


YE HAUNTED MAYDE. 441.1 I, soe whyte, soe wearie and sad, I, soe worn wyth wysdom o' books, Loved hys lass, soc wynsome and glad.- Loved hys mayde wyth ye Apryl looks: John O'Neil's lyttel red-cheeked mayde,- Under ye apple's shade. Of…

O Wind From the Golden Gate

O Wind From the Golden Gate. Virginia Bloren Harrison 207.1 Now dies the salt wind-breath of Eastward seas- And in the quivering leaves of whispering trees Soft stirs the evening breeze. From charmed lands, O wind from out the West! From…


Fame. 307.4. To some 'tis given to present A candidate for president; And with appeal and sally loud To sway the effervescent crowd. But some-ah, some-elate and cool, On Friday afternoon at school May rattle off, without a check, "The…

A National Event.

A National Event. 349.7 A wedding in the White house! Such happenings are raro; The marriage bells seldom ring For such a great affair. But merrily the bells ring out The gladsome news today. "A nation's blessing on you both, Is what…

What’s The Use?

WHAT'S THE USE? 4746 What's the use of blaming others for the fault that is your own- What's the use? What's the use of shifting burdens you should carry all alone- What's the use? Will it make your burden lighter If the world refuses to Weep…

A Christmas Carol

A CHRISTMAS CAROL. 198.4 There's a song in the air! There's a star in the sky! There's a mother's deep prayer And a Baby's low cry! And the star rains its flre while the Beautiful sing For the manger of Bethlehem. Cradles a King. There's…

Rose Of Kilarney.

Rose Of Kilarney. 512.7 Oh, promise to meet me when twilight is falling. Bealde the bright waters that slumber so fair: Bach bird in the meadow your name will be calling. And ev'ry sweet rosebud will look for you there. It's morning and…