The Watermelon.
UncategorizedThe Watermelon.
O see dat water million a smmiin' fro' de fence.
How I wish dat watermillion it was mine,
Oh, de white folks must be foolish, dey needs a hoap ob sence,
Or dey'd nebber leabe it dar upon de vine.
O, de ham…

UncategorizedIN THE ATELIER.
I thought that love was such a little thing!
That one might keep it always at his side,
Scabbarded like a sword, at peace to bide
Its need in times of dearth and clamoring.
I had it there, but unremembering
I put…

When Kitty looks at me and smiles,
I dream into the afterwhiles
And wonder if those eyes of hers
Are pretty blossoms or are-burrs.

UncategorizedFREEDOM AND LOVE.
How delicions is the winning
Of a kles at love's beginning.
When two mutual hearts are sighing
For the knot there's no untying!
Yet remember, midst your wooing,
Love has bliss, but love has ruing:
Other smiles…

Members From Crimson Gluch
UncategorizedMembers From Crimson Gluch.
"I had a vague idea," said the blunt, un-cultured man.
"That this congress trick was easy when the dealing first began.
I thought my little intellectual pile was all the stuff.
Sufficient for a raise, or anyhow…

Molly Darling.
UncategorizedMolly Darling.
A soldier boy was he,
A soldier's sweetheart she.
Above their heads the stars are softly shining
An to a soldier's breast a golden head is pressed.
And round a soldier's neck two arms are twining,
But o'er the hills…

Edinburgh After Flodden.
UncategorizedEdinburgh After Flodden.
News of battle!-news of battle!
Hark! 'tis ringing down the street:
And the archways and the pavement
Bear the clang of hurrying feet.
News of battle!-who hath brought it?
News of triumphl-who should bring…

The Hearthstone.
UncategorizedThe Hearthstone.
When the logs are burning free,
Then the fire is full of glee:
When each heart gives out its best,
Then the talk la full of zest;
Light your fire and never fear
Life wer made for love and cheer.

Just You Holler “Fine”
UncategorizedJust You Holler "Fine" .
There ofice lived a gray-haired feller,
Back in Pearville, keepin' store,
Who had just as many troubles
As the rest of na-n' more!
But when folks 'ud stop an ast him
How he felt he'd never whine.
He'd jest…

We Shall Know Each Other Hetter.
UncategorizedWe Shall Know Each Other Hetter.
When the mists have rolled in splendor from the beauty of the hills,
And the sunlight falis in is in gladness on the river and the rills,
We recall our father's gladness in the rainbow of the spray-

Castle Dream
UncategorizedCastle Dream
Come with me my little tuddle down to sleep: one, and
The sun has gone, the moon is up the stars come out to peep
The little blossoms down the lanes have closed their eyes for rest
And every little bird, my dear, is in…

Charge of the LIght Brigade.
UncategorizedCharge of the LIght Brigade.
Flashed all their ambers bare.
Finshed as they turned in air.
Hab'ring the gunners there.
Charging on army, while
All the world wondered:
Plunged in the battery smoke,
Right through…