
A Family,

A Family. 400.1 Whenever a man's to be shot in the back. And the shooter escape by a hypocrite's tack: When a bully is wanted to stand in the dark And without word or warning, to make for his mark One unsuspecting, unknowing, unarmed,…

His Own Affairs.

His Own Affairs. 447.5 So much advice he gave away To win the crowd's admiring shout, That when he needed some one day He found his store had given out. -Washington Star

Little Robbie Reed.

Little Robbie Reed. 480.4 I will never use tobacco, no! It is a filthy weed: I will never put it in my mouth, Says little Robble Reed. Why, there is idle Jerry Jones, As dirty as a pig. As dirty Who smokes when only 10 years old. And…

Just Tell Them That You Saw Me.

Just Tell Them That You Saw Me. 336.9 One day while in Chicago. While strolling down the street. 'Twas after business hours of the day. I saw a girl who shrank from me, In whom I recognized My schoolmate from a village far away. "Is that…

Panting for Heaven.

Panting for Heaven. 350.2 Ye angels who stand 'round the throne And View my Immanuel's face, In rapturous songs make him known. Tune, tune your soft harps to his praise. He formed you the spirits you are- So happy, so noble, so good. When…


WHAT SHE CAN DO. 467.6 "Ever-up-to-date" in Watertown Public-Opinion: She has no dog to fondle, She has no cat to pet; She does not own a parrot; She leads no social set: She writes no learned papers To read where women meet, But she…


A NEW POET. 485.2 The new poet, Archie Sullivan, whom Appletons have discov- ered, has been writing a series of remarkably fine poems on precious stones. The verses are gems in themselves, and Mr. Sullivan has polished them with the skill…

The Royal Way of the Cross.

The Royal Way of the Cross. 553.3 We may spread our couch with roses. And sleep through the summer day. But the soul that sloth reposes Is not in the narrow way. If we follow the chart that is given We need not be at a loss, For the…


Opportunity. 153.1 Send forth your heart's desire and work and wait The opportunities of life are brought To our own doors, not by capricious fate, But by the strong, compelling force of thought. …


LITTLE HELPS BY THE WAY. 599.3 He who is false to the present duty breaks a-thread in the loom and will see the effect when the weaving of a lifetime is unraveled. -Selected. The looking on the best side of every event is worth more than…


GOOD. 393.2 Tall chimneys are belching Their columns of smoke; But life is a plenic, Oh, life is a jokel The street cars are glanging, And work calls to me But there's a home-coming, Home-coming to thee. Aye, there's a home-coming At…

The Family Reading-Table

The Family Reading-Table. 344.4 Father's busy roading of "The Graft That's All About": Mother's wondering when the next magazine comes out; Aunty hasn't finished with "The Lifting of the r Lid," Little Johnny's busy with "The Life of Captain…


THE CALL. 554.10 My heart cried out for the sweet, cool haunts Of wood and glen and bird; I longed for the life of the forest glade Where the young deer roamed in the silent shade- "Twas the call of the wild I heard. …


WHEN THE CROP'S LAID BY. 359.9 When the crop's laid by, When the crop's laid by. We'll forget the toil of sommer, 'neath a bright autumnal sky, With a song of plenty ringing o'er the cotton, corn an' rye When the crop's laid by, When the…

The Bachelor Is Happy, But-

The Bachelor Is Happy, But- 266.9 How happy is the bachelor! How free from care his life!. How much more blest he really is Than if he had a wife. He has no dressmakers to pay, No millinery bills; And similarly he escapes From many other…


Conversion. 271.6 While in conversation with a com- pany of friends last evening a re- mark was made by one of the party to the effect that everybody "knocking" everybody else. That the doctors "pound't each other-by word of mouth-and…

We’ve Heard it Before.

We've Heard it Before. 359.4 A million must toll that a thousand may play- It's the same old story; The man in the shop yearns to pitch the new hay, The hand in the field longs to hurry away to labor in town for $ a day- It's the same old story;…

The Drowsy Weather

The Drowsy Weather. 191.7 It's the drowsy sort of weather, when you'd rather be away Where the birds are singin' sweetly, all the lekla an' meadows say. An' the golden bees are havin' of a honey hatliday The drowsy sort of weather when you'd…


ENTHUSIASM. 564.5 I kind o' like campaign' time I like to hear 'em tellさん) Jes' what the goverment should do to keep things goin' well; I like to hear 'em talk about the cor- poration folks That holds us common people by the throat; I…

Thanksgiving Always.

Thanksgiving Always. 489.3 When barn and byre are safe, When flocks are in the fold, When far and near the burdened fields Have bowed 'neath harvest's gold: When clusters rich have dropped From many a blushing vine, And genial orchards,…