The following was written at the time of Grant’s tour of the world, 1879,
Doublin gave him the free- dom of the city:
Cork voted not to receive him. Lament, ye muses! that Cork refuses
To kindly welcome our President,
Whom foreign nations, with acclamations.
Have dined and wined to his heart’s content.
Sure, ’tis & wonder that she’s not fonder
Than Dublin yonder, of such as he,
Who so often drew her before he knew her-
This famous captain who defeated Lee.
She seeras unwilling to spend a shilling
On him who always has pulled her out
From the glassy throttles of flasks and bottles,
And the fermentations of double stout.
O. Cork! this savors of thankless favors,
And brings discredit on thine and thee;
For in no such innnner our doughty tanner
With thee has noted shice he conquered Lee,
If thy Invective would prove effectivo,
And caure Ulysses to hate thy sight,
Then might pardon the way you harden
Your flinty heart, and declare you right:
But while time lingers, his martial ingera
Will always Itch for a pull at thee.
And no Cork. I’m thinking will stop the drinking
Of General Grant, who defented Lee.
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