You know my Aunta Rosa? No?
I weesha dat you could:
She w’at you call “da leevin’ saint,”
Baycause she ees so good.
She got so greata, stronga faith,
She don’ta nevva care
For doin’ anytheeng at all
But justa say her prayer.
She justa pray, an’ pray, an’ pray,
An’ work so hard at dat,
You theenk she would be gattin’ theen
Eenstead for gat so fat.
O! my, she gat so vera fat,
Da doctor he sees scare’,
An’ com’ one day to her an’ say:
“You mak’ too mucha prayer;
Ees botter do som udder work
An’ tak’ som’ exercise.”
My Aunta Rosa shak’ her head
An’ justa leeft her eyes,
An’ say: “I gotta faith so strong
Dat I weell jus’ baygeen
For pray dat I may loose da fat,
An’ soon I weel be theen.”
So, den, she justa seet an’ pray,
So greata faith she feel,
An’ nevva stop for anytheeng-
Excep’ for taka meal.
An’ som’ time, too, she seet an’ mak’
Da noise so loud an’ deep,
Eet sounds vera mooch as eef
She prayin’ een her sleep.
So Aunta Rosa pray an’ pray,
But steel she gat more fat,
So fat she no can walk at all-
Now, what you theenka dat?
Mus’ be som’ troubla een da sky;
Must be ees som thoeng wrongi
Bacause eef Aunta Rosa got
Da faith so great and strong,
An’ pray so hard dat eet ees all
She gutta time to do, I like som body tal me why
Her prayer ees no com’ true!
-T. A. Daly.
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