Five O’Clock In The Morning

Five O’clock in the Morning

The dew lay gilstening on the grass,
A mist was o’er the brook
At the earitest gleam leam of the golden sun
The swallow her nest forBook:
The snowy blooms of the hawthorn tres
Lay thickly the ground adorning
And birds were singing in every buah
At five o’clock in the morning
(Repeat last two lines of each stanza for refrain)
And Reavie, the milkmaid, merrily sung
For the meadows were fresh and fair;
The breezen of moreing kisard her brow
And played in her nut brown hatr
But often she turned and glanced around
As if the alience scarniug
‘Twas time for the mower to whet his scythe
At five o’clock in the morning

Then o’er the meadows the mowers came,
And merry the volcea rang,
And one of his number wended his way
To where the milkmaid sang
And as he lingered by her side
Despite his comrades’ warning
The old, old story was told again
At five o’clock in the morning