Just You Holler “Fine”

Just You Holler “Fine” .

There ofice lived a gray-haired feller,
Back in Pearville, keepin’ store,
Who had just as many troubles
As the rest of na-n’ more!
But when folks ‘ud stop an ast him
How he felt he’d never whine.
He’d jest emile a pleasant smile an
Holler, “Fine!”

Ho was humpbacked jest, a little,
An’ his teeth wus mighty few,
An hay fever used to get him, An’ the rheumatiam, too;
Yet when ast how he wus feelin’.
Uf despair they’d see no sign,
He’d jest smile a pleasant smile an’
Holler, “Fine!”

Now, he didn’t have no fambly-
All hie folks had passed away.
An’ his livin’ wus a poor one,
Fer his store ‘ud hardly pay.
But when ast how he wus feelin’
This here poor old Jerry Cline…
He’d jest smile a pleasant smile an’
Holler, “Fine!”

Jerry took down one mornin’.
Oh he simply withed in pain.
An’ the doer who come to see him
Seen his life wps on the wane.
He says, “How you elin’, Jerry”
Even then they was no whine;
Jerry smiled, an’ with his last breath
Hollered, Fine!!”

What a great old world we’d find this
If the kickers at could be
Jest a little like old Jerry
(This includes you, friend, an’ me),
‘Stead of spreadin’ out our troubles.
Cut ’em clean down to the “rine.”
Say, less try it-le Holler, “Fine!
-Denver Post

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