Life’s Railway to Heaven

Life’s Railway to Heaven.

Life is like a mountain raliroad-
With an engineer that’s bra
We must make the run successful
From the cradle in
Watch the curves, the file the tunnales
Never faiter, never Qual
Keep your hand upon the throttle
And your eys on the rail.

Blessed Revior, thou will wuide us
Till we reach that blissful shore,
Where the angels wait to join us
In thy praise forever more.

You will roll un grades of trial;
You will crows the briden of strife:
See that Christ in your conductor
On this lightning train of life.
Always mindful of obstructions.
Do your duty, never fall:
Keep your hand upon the throttle
And your eye upon the rail.

You will often find obstructions:
Look for storms of wind and rain.
On a fill, a curve, or trestle:
They will almost ditch your train.
Put your trust alone in Jesus:
Never falter, never fati
Keep your hand upon the throttle
And your eye upon the rail.

As you roll across the trentie
Spanning Jordan’s swelling tide.
You behold the Union depot.
Into which your train will glide:
There you’ll meet the Superintendent-
God the Father, God the Bon.
With a hearty, Joyous plaudit:
“Weary pilevim, welcome home!”

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