Marching Along.

Marching Along.

The children are gath’ring from near and far,
The trumpet is sounding the call for the war.
The conflict is raging, ’twill be fearful and long.
We’ll gird on the armor, and be marching along.

Marching along, we are marching along,
Gird on the and be marching along.
The conflict is raging, ’twill be fearful and long.
Then wird on the armor and be marching along.

The foe la before us in battle array,
But let us not waver nог turn from the way:
The Lord is our strength, be this ever our song.
With courage and faith we are marching along.

We’re listed for life, and will camp on the field,
With Christ as our Captain we never will yield:
The “sword of the Spirit.” both trusty and strong.
We’ll hold in our hands as we’re marching along.

Through conflicts and trials our crowns we must win
For here we contend ‘rainat temptations and sin:
But one thing assures us, we cannot go wrong,
If trusting our Savior while marching along,

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