Nature Up-to-Date.

How sweet to walk within the woods
Where spreads the sylvan shade;
To roam within the rural della
Or fairy forest glade;
To sit beside the streamlet fair
And watch the babbling rills,
And see upon the mossy rocks:
“Take Pluckem’s Purple Pills!”

How sweet to leave the city streets,
To throw off duty’s load,
And take a pleasant morning tramp
Along some mountain road;
To feel the cool, refreshing breeze,
To breathe the ozone pure,
And read upon the rustic fence:
“Use Stiggin’s Spavin Cure.”

How sweet when boarding-house grows dull,
And clubs no longer charm,
To spend a pleasant holiday
Down East, on Grandpa’s farm.
The voices of the past, long hushed,
Now clearer sound and louder,
And on the dear old barn you see:
“Try Catchem’s Cockroach Powder !”
-Elsie Duncan Yale.

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