Never Alone
Never Alone
(Another version)
Lo! I am with you alway,
Even unto the end:
When you are sad and weary
I will my comfort send
When on the path before you
Shadows of sorrow lle,
Then will I send my sunshine,
Then will I need your cгу
No never alene,
No, never alone
He promlard never to leave me,
Never to leave me alone
No, never alone,
No never alone,
He promised never to leave me,
Never to leave ine alone
Lol 1 aim with you alway,
Unto the end of life:
When with your sins In confliet,
When in the storm of strife
Days of your joy and gladness,
I will rejoler to see:
Ever in dark temptation
I will your Savfor be
la! I and with you alway
E’en to the end of time;
When in your welcome chorus
Volkes of angels chime;
When in my Father’s maпьоря,
Over the silent sea
1 who have shared your sorrows
Will give you a home with me