The Pretty Missionary

The Pretty Missionary.

At the annual meeting of the Congrega-
tional Home Missionary Society. Mrs.
Alice G. West of Worcester, Mass., said
women missionaries should not be un-
mindful of their personal charms, the
psychological effect of beauty of face and
attractiveness of dress being well worthy
of consideration.-News Itern,

If a dainty and a gentle
Missionary came to you,
If her chin possessed a dimpie
And her blemishes were few.
If her soft eyes were appealing
And her smiling mouth looked sweet,
If she had a graceful figure
And her style was hard to beat-
If it chanced that such a lady
Came to rescue you from sin,
Tell me, tell me, oh, my brother,
Would she lose or would she win?

If a woman without corsets,
One who had contempt for style,
One whose face was seldom lighted
By the flicker of a smile,
One who had her thin hair shingled,
One who had a raspy tone,
One who thought that frills and ribbons
Were old Satan’s very own-
If it chanced that such a woman
Came to show the way to you,
Would you rise and gladly follow?
Answer, brother, answer true.

When the lady missionary
Comes around to rescue me
Let her have a graceful figure,
And a beauty let her be;
Let her lips part oft in ‘laughter,
Let her voice be soft and sweet:
Let her eyes possess a twinkle,
Let her blush, too, as we meet-
When the lady here depicted
Comes to teach me to be good
She will find it easy, brother,
Let this fact be understood.
Chicago Record-Herald.

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