San Francisco

San Francisco

Earth trmbled like a wounded bird on wing;
Dark, hushed and still was everything,
Save those in horror of that hour, who heard again,
Earth laboring in her stress of pain,
Proud structures with granite walls and tower,
Crumbled like ashes to the unseen power;
The land distressed, the seas pulsate,
A people helpless in the arms of Fate,

Then broke the clutch of agony and despair,
White the pride of a city toppled every-where;
The horror stricken, no longer pround or filled with boasts,
Half unconscious, held communion with the spirits-ghosts;
While in the fallen city, reeking havoo and death,
Swept the demon fire, with fevered breath;
Thus stricken snew, into tears they burst,
While raged the fire tiil famished by thirst

Farewell to thy struoutures, that towered to the sky,
To the brave hearts who parished-peace where they lie;
For thrilled are the hearts from shore to shore
May amotion make lofty thy every deed,
And each to the other, a friend in need;
Thou held my heart’s ties-I sign with the rest,
Though in peace or simition, God known best
By Leanore Teegarden