Sonnet to the Laugh of a Child.
Sonnet to the Laugh of a Child.
Golden music fashioned by the stars,
And chanted by the fairies in the gloom-
In the gray and ghostly gloom.
Where the whitened birches loom,
And the summer’s sliken vestures
Hold a rare and rich perfume,
Oh, the soft, mellifluous musle of thy laughter
Of thy laughter, little girl, of the laugh-ter:
And the faint and haunting echoes dream- ing after,
Drenining after, little girl, dreamlug after
Matchless music mellow as the harp’s
Strayed o’er by angel fingers in the dusk-
In the vague and velvet dusk
When the ripe moon’s broken husk,
On a somber sea of silence,
Sptils an argosy of musk.
-Robert V. Carr.
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