Tag Archive for: 101-2
The Ungained Height
HopeThe Ungained Height.
Gardner Weeks Wood
Gardner Weeks Wood in Harpers Monthly
If this be Life to count the languid hours
That drift as dreams from sun to setting sun;
Or, indolent, to watch the shadows run
Across some sturdier dial-stone…
Urban LifeLiving.
Richard A. Haste
Richard A. Haste in Four Track News
To touch the cup with eager lips, and taste-not
drain it;
To woo and tempt and court a bliss, but not attain it;
To fondle and caress a joy, but hold it lightly,
Lest it become…
Love’s Logic
LoveLove's Logic.
Reglnald Wright Kaufman
Because your eyes look into mine
And read my heart and understand,
Withholding nothing, dear, they are
The fairest eyes in all the land.
Because your lips, a budding rose
With hau its glories…