Tag Archive for: 95-4

The Friends

The Friends. By Charles Hanson Towne 95.4 By Charles Hanson Towne in Tom Watson & Magazine Share not thy joy with me, O friend the best; Thou may'st forget me then-I shall not care: But shut me from thy grief the bitterest, And mine own grief…

The Friends

The Friends By Charles Hanson Towne 954 By Charles Hanson Towne in Tom Watson & Magazine Share not thy joy with me, O friend the best; Thou may'st forget me then-I shall not care: But shut me from thy grief the bitterest, And mine own grief…

The Door

The Door. Wirginis Woodward Oloud 95.3 Virginia Woodward Cloud in Harper's Bazar The door is shut; what lies beyond I may not see nor know. Thou of the Past-O dear and fond! Go not the way I go. The door is shut and I am blind To star…

The Door

The Door Wirginis Woodward Oloud 953 Virginia Woodward Cloud in Harper's Bazar The door is shut; what lies beyond I may not see nor know Thou of the Past-O dear and fond! Go not the way I go The door is shut and I am blind To star if…