Tag Archive for: Charles Hanson Towne

City Children.

City Children. 528.1 Palo towers are you that scarce have known the sun! Your little faces like sad blossoms seem Shut In some room, there helplessly to dream Of distant glens where through glad rivers run. And winds at evening whisper. Daylight…

The Friends

The Friends. By Charles Hanson Towne 95.4 By Charles Hanson Towne in Tom Watson & Magazine Share not thy joy with me, O friend the best; Thou may'st forget me then-I shall not care: But shut me from thy grief the bitterest, And mine own grief…

The Friends

The Friends By Charles Hanson Towne 954 By Charles Hanson Towne in Tom Watson & Magazine Share not thy joy with me, O friend the best; Thou may'st forget me then-I shall not care: But shut me from thy grief the bitterest, And mine own grief…