Tag Archive for: Denver Post
Liked It.
UncategorizedLiked It.
A sweet little maiden named
May Once strolled in a park o'er the way,
She met a young man
Who kissed her and ran,
And now she goes there ev'ry day.
UncategorizedTO A BOY.
My boy, when passing through this life,
Some rough old spots you'll find;
Your troubles will at times be rife,
To you they'll not be kind.
A friendly word, a smile that's glad
Will be 'ke gold to you,
And don't forget…
Just You Holler “Fine”
UncategorizedJust You Holler "Fine" .
There ofice lived a gray-haired feller,
Back in Pearville, keepin' store,
Who had just as many troubles
As the rest of na-n' more!
But when folks 'ud stop an ast him
How he felt he'd never whine.
He'd jest…