Tag Archive for: earthquake

Dr. Jorden
Location, San FranciscoDr. Jordan.
When Dr. Jordan left the realm
Of sciences called physical,
And took of prophecy the helm,
The public soon grew quizzical,
And wondered much to hear him talk
And see him make an earthquake walk.
He knows just where the…

Our Stricken City
San FranciscoOur Stricken City
You are now among the fallen, our "City of the West,"
You held your head so proudly, you were among the best;
And how we dearly loved you as you overlooked the bay!
You were so strong and beautiful, and what are you…

Dr Jorden
San FranciscoDr Jordan
When Dr Jordan left the realm
Of sciences called physical,
And took of prophecy the helm,
The public soon grew quizzical,
And wondered much to hear him talk
And see him make an earthquake walk
He knows just where the temblor…