Tag Archive for: Everybody’s Magazine

The Make-Believe Boy

The Make-Believe Boy 128.4 He used to come when I was alone, And we'd play games; but the most ghost, ';d tell him stories-pirate, chomo And what I'll do when I am grown, A girl moved in the house next door- I didn't eare: I don't like…

Mending Day

Mending Day. 70.6 How quickly children's clothes will rip and tear! Each time I put off mending till so late. I realize that a family of eight Can give a lov lovting mother lots of care. If more get born I really do deolare I'll put 'em into…


Voiceless. 234.2 The poet sinned, and God said." This be his hell" The rivers sang him their lyrics. The forests weaved him their spell. He followed the Spring and Summer, knowing the winds by name. He saw the riddle of Life when the maples…