Tag Archive for: Frank L. Stanton

The Drowsy Weather

The Drowsy Weather. 191.7 It's the drowsy sort of weather, when you'd rather be away Where the birds are singin' sweetly, all the lekla an' meadows say. An' the golden bees are havin' of a honey hatliday The drowsy sort of weather when you'd…

Doin’ Well in Georgia

Doin' Well in Georgia. 165.8 Well in Georgia. We're doin' well in Georgia As well as well can be. The rivers eing in muste On their way to meet the ne An' the winds they join in chorus As they wase the blossoms five. An' the stare that…


WATCH OUT. 383.3 Watch nut, Mister Hopper! It's soon yo' song begin: De mookin' bird-he see you. En he soou'll twitch you int Watch out, Mister Butterfly! Mighty fine you look: 14'1 gal a-chasin you. Ter press you in in book! Ain't…

The Old Boys in the Dance

The Old Boys in the Dance. 294.2 I It sorter sets me thinkin' that I've got another chance- To see the old-time fellers goin' roun'…

“Boys, Keep Up the Fire”.

"Boys, Keep Up the Fire". 473.9 When old Winter was doin' his level best- Winds howlin' higher an' higher, The old man would say, In his old-fashioned way - - "Boys, keep up the fire!" An' we stored up that lesson fer many a day : When…

The Ghostly Wind.

The Ghostly Wind. 582.3 De lonesome Win' he holler w'en de night wuz in de middle: "Ef you lemme in I'll show you how I knows ter play de fiddle: Done had de leaves a-dancin' fum de very break er day, But, blowin' s'ch a lively tune, I danced…