Tag Archive for: in Century.
I stood upon the threshold; musical
Reverberant footsteps ghostlike came and went
And my lips trembled as magnificent
Before me rose a vision of that hall
Whereof great Milton is the mighty wall,
Shakespeare the dome with…
National Monuments.
UncategorizedNational Monuments.
Count not the cost of honor to the dead!
The tribute that a mighty nation paya
To those who loved her well in former daya
Means more than gratitude for glories fied:
For overy noble man that she hath bred,
At Salute.
UncategorizedAt Salute.
The kind stands by and baies his head
Why is it so?
I was a clod (he would have said)
An hour ago.
An hour ago, ere I was dead.
I would have barod,
And he, the king, with needless tread
Onward had fared.
And now, this change-what…