Tag Archive for: New York Sun

Wisdom of the Young

Wisdom of the Young. 160.6 A college graduato was he, His knowledge was his joy and prides Not merely theoretical, But well applied. In science well he knew the cause That made an earthquake jog a town And, furthermore, himself could shake…

The Miser

The Miser. 191.6 There area was a miser of lauantar and umilen Who hoarded those transures in fast mounting He kept them all sealed in an vary box. And nothing that happened unfastened the locks At last, growing aget, from business adrift, He…

The Watchword

The Watchword. John Kendrick Bangs 23.2 Give of your mass of gold, Send to the prostrate West Some of that wealth untold Digged from her virgin breast. Give! Give of your meager store, Send from your cupboard bare Out to…


Resurgas 391 To the living soul in the city of San Fran clean, Thou shalt rias-our City of the Sun! For, ever in a nory death like thine, Ere Bearce the flamos be fled, A recreation in bogun: Even as in Arabia the Divine, A plunued and centuried…

The Watchword

The Watchword John Kendrick Bangs 232 Give of your mass of gold, Send to the prostrate West Some of that wealth untold Digged from her virgin breast Give! Give of your meager store, Send from your cupboard bare Out to the…

Real Life.

Real Life. 122.3 It was back in old Missoury. In a peaceful farming vale, And the folks were plunged in trouble- Hushed the music of the flall. There a villian held a mortgage On the dear old farmhouse roof: Much he loved the widow's…


Wealth. 343.9 The cares of wealth, so we are told, Forbid the smile and chaff: The julep holds the only mint Whose owner dares to laugh.