Tag Archive for: rose
Were I a Rose
UncategorizedWere I a Rose.
Wero I a rose, no thorn shoni dare
Wound thy dear hand, s'en though you chose
My choicest flow'r to pluck and wear:
Were Fa rose
Were I the sun, no ray should o'er
Cause thee my ardent beams to shun
I'd kiss…
The Rose That All Are Praising
Art and CreativityThe Rose That All Are Praising.
The rose that all are praising
Is not the rose for ine:
Too many eyes are gazing
Upon that costly tree,
But I've a rose in yonder glen
That shuns the gaze of other men,
For me its bossoin raising-…
Brier Rose
UncategorizedBrier Rose.
Sald Rose Brier Rose's mother to the naughty Brier
"What will become of you, my child, the Lord Al-mighty knows.
You will not serub the kettles, and you will not touch the broom.
You never…
The Rose That All Are Praising
Art and CreativityThe Rose That All Are Praising
The rose that all are praising
Is not the rose for ine:
Too many eyes are gazing
Upon that costly tree,
But I've a rose in yonder glen
That shuns the gaze of other men,
For me its bossoin raising-