Tag Archive for: S.E. Kiser
Maybe So
Urban LifeMaybe So
If every man got all he earned
And none got any more,
Perhaps affairs would be o'erturned;
Some men who heretofore
Have put on lordly style would fall
And meekly work away
While other men obscure today
Would loom up grand…
The Dear Railroad Pass
UncategorizedThe Dear Railroad Pass.
[No more railroad passes will be
issued after the 1st of January.]
How dear to my heart are the old railroad passes.
As fond recollection presents them to view:
The passes, which iifted me over the passes,
We’ve Heard it Before.
UncategorizedWe've Heard it Before.
A million must toll that a thousand may play-
It's the same old story;
The man in the shop yearns to pitch the new hay,
The hand in the field longs to hurry away to labor in town for $ a day-
It's the same old story;…
The Stricken City
San FranciscoThe Stricken City
They will build it great, they will build It strong
Its streets the children of men will throng:
It will be superb with its lofty domes
And its marble halls and its stately homes,
But never…