The Changed Cross
The Changed Cross.
It was a time of sadness, and my heart.
Although it knew and loved the better part.
Felt wearied with the conflict and the strife,
And all the needful discipline of life.
And while I thought en these, as given to me-
My trial teats of faith and love to be
It seemed as if I never could be sure
That faithful to the end I should endure.
And thus, no longer trusting to His might
Who says. “We walk by faith, and not by sight.”
Doubting. and almoet yielding to despair.
The thought arose-My cross I cannot bear.
Far heavier It’s weight must surely be
Than those of others which I daily see.
Oh. If I might another burden choose.
Methinks I should not fear ins crown to lose.
A. solemn silence reigned on all around
Fen Nature’s voices uttered not a sound:
The evening shadows seemed of peace to tell,
And sleep upon my weary spirit fell.
A moment’s pause-and then a heavenly light
Deamed full upon my wondering. raptured sight.
Angies on glivery wings seemed everywhere,
And angels muele thrilled the balmy alr.
Then one. more fair than all the rest to see-
One to whom all the others bowed the knee-
Came gently to me as I trembling lay,
And, “Follow me.” He rald: “I am the way.”
Then speaking thus. He led no far above,
And there, beneath a canopy of love.
Crosses of divers shape and size were seen,
Larger and smaller than my own had been.
And one there was, most beauteous to behold.
A little one, with jewels set in gold.
Ah! this, methought. I can with comfort wear,
For it will be an easy one to bear.
And so the little cross I aulekly took:
But, all at once, my frame beneath it shook.
The sparkling jewels fair were they to see,
Rut far too heavy was their weight for me.
This may not be.” I cried, and looked again.
To see if there was any here could ease my pain;
But, one by one. I passed them slowly by.
Till on a lovely one I cast my eye.
Fair flowers around its sculptured form entwined,
And grace and beauty seemed in It combined.
Wondering. I gazed: and stil I wondered more.
To think so many should have passed it o’er.
But oh! that form so beautiful to see
Soon made its hidden sorrows known to me;
Thorne lay beneath those flowers and colors fair,
Sorrowing. I said: “This cross I may not bear.’
And so it was with each and all around.
Not one to suit my need could there be found:
Weening. I laid each heavy burden down.
As my Guide gently said, “No cross, no crown.”
At length, to Him I raised my saddened heart;
He knew its sorrows, bld its doubts depart.
“Be not afraid.” he said, “but trust in me
My perfect love shall now be shown to thee.
And then with lightened eyes and willing feet
Again turned, my earthly cream to meet,
With forward footsteps, turning not aside.
For fear some hidden evil might betide.
And there in the prepared. appointed way.
Listening, to hour, rendy to obey- A cross
I quickly found of painest form,
With only words of love Inscribed thereon.
With thankfulness I raised it from the rest,
And joyfully acknowledged it the best-
The only one of all the inany there
That I could feel was good for me to bear.
And while I thus my chosen one confessed,
I saw a heavenly brightness in it rest;
And, as I bent, my burden to sustain.
I recognized my own old cross again.
But oh! how different did it seem to be
Now I had learned its preciousness to see!
No longer could I unbelieving say.
Perhaps another is a better way.
Ah, no: henceforth my own desire shall be,
That He who knows me best should choose for me,
And so, whate’er His love sees good to send.
I’ll trust it’s best, because He knows the end.
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