The Friend Life.

The Friend Life.

‘If our looks grow rather frigid
And our stately spines stand rigid
At the thought of what the Outlanders begrudge us,
Treat them gently, friends-remember
That of Truth we are the Ember
And the Shrine-so who are they that they should judge us
For our learning is the surest And our accent is the purest,
And the man who can’t admire us is an odd fish.
One who never knew the mission
Of our classical tradition
Or the wisdom of the Contemplative Codfish.

“So it’s sing, sing, sing
At the jolly Cap and Gown!
With a three times three for
Harvard, Drink it down, down, down!
“We have passed the puerile season
And have reached the Age of Reason,
Though it’s futile to explain how we arrive here.
Still, a certain pride is owing To our quality of rowing,
For victorious water-babies some times thrive here.
But our Great Men all remind us We have ancestors behind us
And are logic-ally to the banner born, sir;
So the man who gets his knowledge
From another brand of college
Should be looked on more in pity than in scorn, sir.
“So it’s cheer, cheer, cheer At the jolly Book and Bell,
And it’s three times three for Harvard With a yell, yell, yell!”

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