The Nameless Age.

The Nameless Age.

With a chainless bike, and a horseless car,
And a ship that sails in air;
With a prayerless church-in a Godless age-
Excepting “science” prayer.

With a tuneless song, and an artless art,
Of “poster” girls galore,
Who never were seen “in heaven above
Or the earth below” before.

With a wireless “wire,” and a speechless speech,
And a modern smokeless gun,
And the cloth that has proven bullet proof,
To make war seem like fun.

With a foodless meal, and a sleepless bed,
And a purse that has no cash,
Oh, this is an age that is hard to name
With its nameless piquant dash.

That in times to come, will go down,
I With a zip, zang, boom and roar, ween,
And the histories tell of the nameless age
That made hot air galore.
-Ella Castillo Bennett.

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