The Old Schoolbook

The Old Schoolbook

On the old schoolbook in the dusty nook,
With a tearful eye I gaze,
Come down, old friend, for an hour we’ll spend
In talking of bygone days
I gaze once more as in days of yore,
On the task that taxed the brain;
The lesson done, the victory won,
I feel I’m a chill again

Oh, the happy happy times of my childhood days,
And the bright and joyous scene:
I see them now as they used to be
In the old house on the green

Then our cares were fow and our friends were true
And our griefs were rare and light;
The world was naught, so we foudly thought,
But a reign of pure delight
But time has sped and our path ath led
Thro the dark and tearfulthe,
And passed away are the good and gay,
Like the old house on the green

But we’ll sing no more of days of yore,
For the tear drop dims the eye;
Sleep on, old book, in the dusty nook
As in years that have glided by:
No gullt we trace in thy honest face,
But a mine of gold within
Enriched the youth as they sought for truth
In the old house on the green,