The San Francisco Earth-Quake
The San Francisco Earth-Quake
It was early in the morning
On an April morning falr
When a city fair and merciful
Was quivering in the air
There swaying to and fro
Were buildings great and small;
Then with a mighty crash
Began a city’s fall
The water pipes were broken,
Asunder snapped the wires
A city was a-blazing,
With naught to quench the fires,
On onward swept the fury,
Like a wild, terrific hell:
While building after building
Amid the fires foll
The homeless and the dying
Were scattered all around,
But Frisco, ever merciful,
A speedy refuge found
For Unele Ram was ready
His helping hand to lend,
And San Francisco city
Had many a willing friend
Of shelter and provisions,
Enough, sure-and to spare
For San Francisco elty,
The merciful, the fair
The Sisters of St Dominick
None fairer can be found
Threw open wide their doors-
With mercy all around
And there were many others–
With sympathy to share
For a city stricken in her prime,
The merciful, the fair
We mourn for thee, fair city-
Thy ruins us we see;
We know It is a pity
That such a thing should be
Fair City of the Golden West
Fair City by the Golden Gate:
Mong glorious cities of the best-
Thou wert becoming great
In thee true friendship could be found
Few with thre could compare
With perfect manhood all around,
And many a lady fair,
We hope to see thee rise again,
And rising, fall no more
“In God we trust,” and then, O then,
Still greater than before
Fair California’s noble pride,
Fair city by the bayー
Thy sons for thee have nobly died-
While fighting in the fray
But, Oh! those fierce, devouring flamen
Thy tremen’s ald defy,
And what is left of thee remains
To tell the tale, “goodbye”
“Goodbye” till when? thou wilt rise again,
Above thy ruins high-
We see the work of clover men
Thou wilt rise again; “goodbye”