Three Perished In The Snow

Three Perished in the Snow

Twas on a stormy winter’s night
The snow was falling fast
A mother and two little babes,
Wero wand’ring through the blast;
Still clinging to their mother’s breast,
The little ones would cry,
“Please, mamma, won’t you make us warm
O mamma! we shall dief”

Toll the village bell;
Let all good people know,
Twas on that dreadful, stormy night,
Three perished in the snow

“O darling! look up in niy eyes
And say you will not die;
For mother’s heart is breaking fest,
And death to me is nigh Then, wrapping up the little ones, She knelt down in the snow; “O God in heaven! take us home; We’re ready now to go”

When morning dawned, the sun came out,
The snow was melting fast
Three silent forms lay side by side,
In one fond, loving clasp
A farmer heard the sad, and news,
It made him weep to know
That from his house, not twenty rods,
Three perished snow